Frequently Asked Questions

I'm sure you have questions. We have answers.

Creating Keybinds

How do I get started?

Easy, just click here to start a new keybind config.

First, start by adding as many hotbars as you want. We start you off with one, but usually you will need two or three.

Then add spells and keybinds to the hotbar butons. There are three basic steps to add to a hotbar button.

  1. Click on a hotbar button to open the button options.
  2. Assign your spells to a hotbar button.
  3. Assign a key to a hotbar button.

Repeat that process until all your

Why can I add spells from any class?

Great question! Unfortunately, it's not a simple problem. Honest answer, the Blizzard API doesn't tell us what spells go with what class. There is probably a good reason for that. There are LOTS of spells that are shared between classes (trinkets, etc.). It also changes ALL the time.

Rather than try to keep up with the changes, we just let you put anything in a keybind you want. When you import with the addon it will let you know anything it can't set up.

Can I duplicate and customize other people's keybinds?

Not yet. We plan to support that in the future.

Other Questions

I like the photos and stuff you use! Where do they come from?

Thanks for asking! They are in-game screenshots. As such they are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment, and they own the copyright.